Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's for hubby!

OK, so this Sandra (the mom) and I stole this idea! I got it from Pintrest, my new all time favorite website! What a way to share ideas, if you haven't joined yet you should! I, being devoid of any original ideas (and if I ever think I have one, I soon find out that 500,000 people, who are all more creative than I am, have already been doing it!) wanted to come up with a valentine that had a gun theme since my husband bought me a cute little pink gun (Pictured above) for Christmas and we have been going out as much as possible target shooting with friends.

Well, Pintrest miraculously came through for me through this link...and I didn't even have to ask! LOL!

I won't plagiarize Sherelle's Blog as she had a wonderful idea and deserves all the credit so if you want to do what she did go see her site. After visiting her site if you are like me and are an overachiever, you will take her idea to and even higher level! Here is the result of my efforts!

The original design looks it is easy and simple to do and is a perfectly wonderful pattern to follow. She has the design so when printed you can fit 2 Valentine's on one piece of paper. I wanted to make mine bigger so my complete project shown here is laying on a letter sized piece of paper. I also measured it out and used the printer to put my husbands name at the top of the holster. This would have been easier to do with a sharpie but my handwriting is REALLY pathetic so it was well worth it to use the printer.

For the gun I took the photo of my gun and reworked it in Photo Shop. I deleted all but the black part of the gun and then outlined the pink part in black. I added the lettering and printed it out on to pink card stock in the size that I wanted. Since I was printing on pink card stock I did the lettering in white so the pink would show through. The little heart on the gun stock I did in red to make it print darker... I am not sure that was necessary. I will add the stick of gum to the end as in the original but haven't done that yet. I hope my husband loves it! I think he will. His friends told me he was so excited to buy me the gun for Christmas and we have had such good times enjoying the great outdoors together since I have had it. 

That's all for today folks!

If you have time please visit the Brunsell Girls Etsy Stores. Brianna's store Sandra's Store Sandra's other store

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Business with SILLY in the name! (An Introduction by Brianna)
I have been a full time ETSY entrepreneur for just under a year now thanks to my Silly Dog Magnet line! What started out as a hobby, I started an Etsy shop to potentially clear out old craft projects that I had laying around and to inspire me to create new things. I made sculpey jewelry, puppets, and a few other random things as I got inspired.

If you read the previous post by my dear mum, you might have noticed I came by my love of dogs honestly. She had been showing and grooming dogs my whole life. She had also built her grooming business with her own two hands, so I got that entrepreneurship bug early on. What an inspiration!
It didn't take long after I developed the packaging and designs of my first few Silly Dogs that I knew this is what I wanted to do. With my Dachshund Billie Bumbler at my side, We feverishly look for the silliest of breeds to draw next to put on magnets.

This is me with my spoiled rotten... I mean... precious Billie Bumbler. There are now nearly 60 breeds available. As business grows, my boyfriend, Candy, has helped with manufacturing and I continue to draw. We hope to add many more breeds in the months to come!
Take a closer look at Silly Dog Magnets at

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I am Sandra Brunsell, my Two SUPER AWESOME BEAUTIFUL daughters and I have all had major changes in our lives the last two years. My youngest, Autumn, has become a stay at home mom to my SUPER, SUPER AWESOME HANDSOME grandson Corbin and has another baby on the way.
My oldest, Brianna, has been able to quit her day job to become an Etsy seller. She is super talented artist and has started a line of magnets with her hand drawn dog designs at and a Halloween store  She and her boyfriend, Candy, have just began a vintage store also.
Until December 31 of 2011 I was the owner of a successful dog grooming shop. I had been trying to cut back for the last couple of years so I would have more time to devote to being a wife and to art, but I found it hard to say no to any client who wanted me to be there to groom. I had so many, many projects bouncing around in my head and it became apparent that the only way to have the time to let them out was to quit rat race of my day job. I have opened a couple of Etsy stores, and, where I hope to sell those projects I can now begin to bring from dream to reality. So begins a new chapter of life with all three of us now staying a home focusing on the things we love.
I am starting this blog to have a place for my daughters and I to share the things that motivate us the most...Family, creativity and dogs. The hope is that the three of us, sharing the responsibilities will be making regular posts. Welcome to our blog!