Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Business with SILLY in the name! (An Introduction by Brianna)
I have been a full time ETSY entrepreneur for just under a year now thanks to my Silly Dog Magnet line! What started out as a hobby, I started an Etsy shop to potentially clear out old craft projects that I had laying around and to inspire me to create new things. I made sculpey jewelry, puppets, and a few other random things as I got inspired.

If you read the previous post by my dear mum, you might have noticed I came by my love of dogs honestly. She had been showing and grooming dogs my whole life. She had also built her grooming business with her own two hands, so I got that entrepreneurship bug early on. What an inspiration!
It didn't take long after I developed the packaging and designs of my first few Silly Dogs that I knew this is what I wanted to do. With my Dachshund Billie Bumbler at my side, We feverishly look for the silliest of breeds to draw next to put on magnets.

This is me with my spoiled rotten... I mean... precious Billie Bumbler. There are now nearly 60 breeds available. As business grows, my boyfriend, Candy, has helped with manufacturing and I continue to draw. We hope to add many more breeds in the months to come!
Take a closer look at Silly Dog Magnets at www.sillydogmagnets.com.

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